With 80 CHF (92€), you fund the full cost of one hour of operation of the Saint Vincent Health Care Centre located in a remote location in South Sudan.

The SVHCC was built in 2014 in Nyarjwa, a locality 25 km from Juba, where about 5000 people live in four poor and isolated villages scattered in the hills. The SVHCC is about 45 minutes from the capital by 4x4 (on rough tracks).

The community lacks any health facility. The nearest clinic is 15 km away. Local people cannot afford its medical services.

90% of South Sudanese women give birth without the help of any medical aid.
The country has the highest maternal mortality rate in childbirth: 1 out of 48 (200 times that of Switzerland). It is the first cause of women death in the country.
There are only 8 certified midwives and 150 community midwives in South Sudan.

The objective of the SVHCC is to follow-up pregnant women and to treat and prevent, through health education, the "most common diseases linked to poverty in tropical environment".
In particular, endemic malaria accounts for 20% of deaths. It is the main cause of death of children under 5.
More generally, only 17% of children are vaccinated (many cases of measles).

Three-quarters of the target population are women and children.

A contribution for access to care is requested from patients: the equivalent of 0,15 CHF (6 times less than in a private clinic). The idea is that a nominal fee for the consultation creates a sounder relationship between the beneficiaries and the project.

The SVHCC was inaugurated in May 2015 in the presence of 1500 people.
It is open 3 times a week, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.
The affluence is very variable: from 10 to 80 patients per day.

The medical staff consists of six seconded officials: a doctor, a pharmacist, a midwife, a laboratory technician, a nurse, a medical assistant...
The administrative staff in charge of reception, security, housekeeping and transport (of staff and patients if necessary) is composed of 8 persons.

The SVHCC has an ambulance (to bring patients in need to the hospital), a well, a generator and outdoor latrines.

Since 2019, the CSSV has been supported by the NGO Pharmacists Without Boarders Switzerland.