Dear Lord, grant me this favour to-day: let nothing interfere with my inner peace and enable me to speak about health, joy, prosperity with every person I meet, in order to help them discover the wealth of their inner resources.

Above all, Lord, help me discover the sunny side of each person with whom I come into contact daily. Sometimes I find it difficult, Lord, to overlook their defects, which annoy me, instead of acknowledging their essential qualities from which I benefit, without realizing it.

Help me also, Lord, to contemplate Your sunny face, even during terrible events hardly one of which could not, eventually, produce some good that I am not yet able to envisage, especially if I rely on Mary.

Grant me, oh Lord, the favour to work only for what is good, beautiful and true and to seek tirelessly in each man the sparkle that You placed in him when You created him in your own image.

May I also be as enthusiastic about other people's success as I am of own, and be so busy mending my own ways that I have no time to criticize others.

Grant me also, Lord, the wisdom to be aware of all past mistakes, so that I may hasten towards a better future.

May I offer, throughout this day, a happy face and a friendly smile to each man I meet, who is your son and my brother.

Give me a heart which is
too big to brood over my sorrows,
too noble to harbour a grudge,
too strong to tremble,
too open to shut anybody out.

Dear Lord, my God, I ask you to extend these favours
to all men who are struggling today, like me,
so that hate will subside and Love increase,
because, after your Resurrection, hatred and death were defeated by Love and Life.

Open our eyes to what is invisible so that nothing may shake the optimism
of those who believe in You
and who believe in Man,
who place their hope in You
and who place their hope in Man.